Friday, February 7, 2020

Reflection Time

Architects Of Self-Destruction

We live in a society where fighting is the priority
We live in a world which is slowly burning up
We live a life without whom to apologize
We live one life, we don’t care about Earth

Forests burn, animals die
No WIFI, apocalypse starts
No fuel, don’t be cruel
Earth needs help
But still, we don’t care.

Earth calls for hope
But it’s a dream
That’s not fair
For the innocent animals
Staying on the far lands

We shouldn’t care for the money
We shouldn’t care for the guns
We should stop this
in a sweet way like honey
We should make the change
We should be in charge

If you read this, we need the longed for peace
If you hear that, don’t be a rat
'Cause as Einstein said, we say that we are intelligent,
So we shouldn’t create our own destruction.

By Laura, Andrea, and David, 
Step 8 Yellow
Project Class