Friday, February 7, 2020

Longing for Home

Poor Panda All Alone 

They locked the bear
and the bamboo took away
no food left
and in the cage, it has stayed

They have called him by his name
and his mother he has met,
 they have taken him again 
and he has started crying all over the place 

In a group, they have played 
with the mother in the middle
hrs son by hes side has stayed

Later with the game, they continued
they have woken up and have not stopped
and they had a great time
until that, they hadn't had dinner
the bamboo has not been given by them

The caretakers have come
and with a thin cloth blanket they covered him 
and took him again 

The panda has cried 
and in the darkest hole
the poor panda is all alone

Keily Valdivieso, Step 9