Friday, February 28, 2020

EF Speech for our Planet

 Caring For Our Planet Earth

Hello everyone!, my name is Alejandro Duran, I’m a 16 year old student at American School in Barranquilla, Colombia, and today I'm going to talk about one of the global problems I'm most passionate to solve.

In fact, I think that all the global problems we are facing nowadays are extremely important for our safety, for the world’s well being, for animals, for all of us that form part of this beautiful place that God gave us to live in, but  in peace, having friends, eating well; however, we are doing the opposite of what we should do, the contrary from what God wants us to do.

Years are passing and we are causing our home’s death, little by little, yeah! Our home, what could you think of someone who wanted to destroy his/her home?, well, we are doing it.

We have to do something, starting now, today is the moment, 
not tomorrow, reduce the water you use to brush your teeth, don’t turn on the lights if you don’t need it, don’t throw trash in the streets, oceans, or any landscapes, when you throw trash to those places, it is like if you were punching yourself with a rock, imagine doing that millions of times, you are going to be very hurt, right? Well, that’s how our Earth feels when you do that.

Start promoting awareness in the people that surrounds you, tell them how much you love the planet as if you were telling them how much you love them too, because at the end of the day, we are like mini-planets, if we eat badly, our body tells it to us by sending messages, so this happens to the Earth when we; for example, release emitted smoke from factories, vehicles, etc, and the Earth responds with acid rain, global warming, earthquakes, amongst others. 

We have to take care of our planet, but most importantly, we have to compromise with our planet, the one that is for all of us, the only one we have. 

We often see movies that depict places in apocalyptic worlds, in which there is no water, it is all desertic, the food is scarce, in which people kill others to have one meal, or even worse, people who kill other people to eat them. We can think that it is impossible, that this isn't going to happen to us, and we laugh about it, but I think that we are not so far from that reality, we have to wake up: recycle that plastic bottle, reuse that can, save that water, collect that trash from the floor, let's protect our world!

But first, if we want to respect our world, we have to respect ourselves, don’t bully that kid because of her race, skin color, religion, or special needs, instead of bothering him/her, help him/her, don’t punch that guy, talk to him, be solidary, help people to solve their problems. Let's get rid of the mental pollution that makes our future look blurry.

If we do this, I think that we are going through the good path, to have a world saved from an imminent destruction, also a world in peace, a world in which all of us help each other, a world that we are proud to live in.

Thank you all for your attention!

By Alejandro Durán U., Step 9