Friday, February 28, 2020

EF Challenge Speech By Ana Durán

My Most Passionate Topic I Would Like To Solve In The World

Hello! My name is Ana Sofía Durán and I am a ninth grade student at American School. Today, I am going to talk about one of the most serious and known problems in the world.

When I started to investigate, I became very interested in a problem that is currently happening in our world, which is pollution. First we have to start by explaining what pollution is.

Pollution is the presence or accumulation of substances in the environment that negatively affect the environment and living conditions, as well as the health or hygiene of living things.

Pollution affects our environment; there are some causes which are:

1. Pesticides and chemicals: Products used in agriculture and industry produce many greenhouse gases, which are direct causes of the deterioration of the ozone layer and climate change, being obviously toxic to the environment and humans as well.

2. Deforestation: Lately it has been noted that hundreds of forests have disappeared in the world in recent decades, and as we know, trees help purify the air. Because more and more forests disappear, there will be a point where the air will be contaminated with gases and will cause major diseases. It is nowadays noticed anyways and everywhere.

3. The high rates of garbage production: Our societies are characterized by high consumption of goods, which in turn generates a high level of waste, these are not used correctly and are one of the main causes of pollution.

Some causes of pollution are deforestation and forest fires, wastes discarded in bodies of water like the sea.

The most polluted countries in the world are:

1. India

2. South Africa

3. Turkey

4. China

5. Mexico

How can we help reduce pollution in the world?

1. We can start recycling through the 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle).

2. Using public transport and other alternative means. It would be advisable to ride, from time to time,  any bicycle or  use means of transport, other than a car.

3. Do not litter in the streets, forests, and parks, and wrap it or cover it well in the house.

4. Eat organic foods, or at least those that have not been subjected to such intensive use of agrochemicals. For this you can grow your own garden in your home.

Finally, I would like quote a reflective statement:

“Pollution is nothing other than the resources we are wasting. We allow them to disperse because we ignore their value. ” - Richard Buckminster Fuller

By Ana Sofía Durán, Step 9