Friday, February 28, 2020

An Animal Miracle

Raining Dogs

Once upon a time a young lady was peacefully sleeping on the uncomfortable cold floor on top of some old blankets and laying her head on a bad smelling pillow, when suddenly she heard a strange sound coming from the roof; therefore, she went to take a look. 

As soon as she started looking at the sky she realized that a horde of dogs and cats, that were neither dead nor hurt, fell endlessly on the top of her head, which was very bizarre, yet amazing to see. 

She quickly got dressed and walked towards her front door looking at all the cats and dogs in her lawn and the other animals that landed around her neighborhood as well. Her neighbors saw this too and were as amazed as she was. 

Even though this was very unusual and for some, impossible, she was not scared at all, so she decided to pick a white French Bulldog and took it inside her house to take a look at it. He had big blue eyes and looked pretty healthy, he started licking her face as a sign of appreciation.

She decided to pick up the dog and called him Rex. Despite outside was cold and her clothes were old, she went outside just to see her neighbors and their children stare in awe at the still ongoing cats and dogs rain. Enthusiastic neighbors held up their phones recording the show. 

She went inside her house and turned on the TV on the news channel when the conductor said that there had never been such a weird phenomenum and the community would never forget about this. He also warned that for their own safety, everybody should stay home until this finishes in order to not get hurt from the falling creatures. 

Rex comes in and looks at her and at the TV, then he wagged his little tail and barked happily at her. It was almost like if he could understand what was going on and he seemed ok with it. She picked up Rex and pet him until he slept on her lap. She felt asleep as well. 

A couple of hours later she woke up and Rex was still there. She thought everything had been a dream. 


By Valentina Quintero, 8th Y