Friday, January 17, 2020

Cabs Vs. Uber

Uber Says "Goodbye"

Resultado de imagen para uber colombia

As many readers may already know, a judge has recently accepted the lawsuit presented by Cotech (Taxis Libres) in 2016. This lawsuit was about the band of the app Uber, which was used by many informal drivers to transport citizens around their cities. 

As said before, the lawsuit was presented by a taxi representant and was due to the disagreement of yellow cabs and was backed up by many reasons, some being that allegedly was taking away the work of cab drivers or, Uber wasn't legal.

All around the country there are mixed emotions on the topic. The exit of the platform from the country is good for taxi drivers, regular for the digital economy, bad for the Government and their users.

The app´s representants have said that out of all Latin America, Colombia, is the only country whose government has not cooperated with a mediation and conciliation process to establish a dialogue between taxis and Uber drivers. As well as a way for the enterprise to make legit and legal the use of the app in such country.

By María Camila Montes, Step 10.