Thursday, December 12, 2019


On Passing A Math Test

Many see math as difficult,

But I rather find it easy,
It is kind of a workship, a cult
Keeping students so busy
Though, there is always a bolt
Defeating it is the goal,
 Even if the idea gets you dizzy

Solving problems not anchored in reality,

Is truly a waste of time,
Like sliding on lime,
You gotta think with sagacity,
Using your smart mind,
No one can tell you aren't that witty

Difficult is not passing,
What is already understood
But many are used to harassing
Those who somehow barely could
' Cause not only math nor logic are easing,
Intelligence's ways, since they're several, not just two

Many minds were squizzed,
And a lot were happy,
In spite of failing a quiz
They remained scrappy,
As a result of the effort made
They finally overcame the pending blade

If just found an only true answer,

After really thinking on it,
All you reckoned was throwing that test in a pit
'Cause it could not become a cancer

Math, math, math... what a joke!

Cosidered the scariest of the subjects,
Thanks, not for all my folk!
See what I say and check

Some fear what they never got,
Because of facing a wrong approach
When their minds were blocked,
As being in front of an imminent fall

Good math teachers 

Do play a great role,
But a compromised student isn't a mole,
Doesn't need any bleacher
For removing stains from a failing soul,
Just a mere reteaching serves for all
And who knows?
From math problems you might be in love.

By Miss Odilia Pérez
E.L.A. Teacher