Thursday, December 12, 2019

Environmental Project: Climate Change

Worsening Issues

Planet is getting hotter day after day
Do you know why? 
Is because the climate change 
The cars, buses, and trains 
Are damaging the air 
We are destroying our planet everywhere 

We need to recycle 
Planet needs our help 
Because if not 
We will face death 
To continue with our lifecycle
And take care of our health 

We have to save our plants 
Because we have to breath 
Beautiful animals 
That we need 
This is like a race 
And we have to increase our speed 
To have where to put our feet 

To finish, this is our conclusion 
Save the planet 
We don’t have another option 
We don’t have another planet to live on
Save Earth because is our land portion 

By Keiner Trespalacios, 
And Andrés Sandoval,
Step 8 Blue