Friday, November 29, 2019

A Persuasive Essay


Wow! Earth is being devastated with big forests disappearing
in what before there were mountains covered by snow. Nowadays, they are just simple mountains, but before, those places were cold.

Carroll-glacier Alaska

We are now living in a hot oven and on the Equator things are worsening because it rains a few times and the hurricane season is longer. Countries that used to have from 20° to 30° C, now reach the 40° C  temperature. 

But why, why do humans have to interfere with nature?
Destroying what Earth made for us? Which is why, there is a critical question: How do the deforestation and erosion make the global warming worse?

Well, I can remark that erosion and deforestation make a big role on the global warming. Firstly, the deforestation role is that, there are no forests nor trees, though trees receive CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) to transform it into glucose (Natural Sugars). With this process, we are being left with the oxygen we breathe.

Taking this into account, we could say, no trees, no clean oxygen, no fruits or natural sugars are saved, but erosion is expanding.

Erosion? Yes, erosion, we could tell something like this: trees have their roots underground, attached to the ground, so if you kill a tree, you kill its roots, and as a result, in the heavy rainy season, landslides start to attack our houses, buildings, cars, roads, and everything gets destroyed, but that’s not the important part, humans get hurt too, as the Earth does. Don't you think it feels the pain you feel you are casing to it?

That you will die, actually is a consequence from your actions. Earth is more than 43 million years old and we just make a 30% of its history.

In conclusion, we could say, deforestation and erosion just
don’t help the global warming to be stopped, instead they make our lives worse too, and humanity doesn´t care about it, there are not just humans on this planet, no, there also animals dying because of global warming effects, like avalanches coming out of deforestation and erosion. So we have to stop destroying our Earth.

By David Estrada, Step 8 Yellow