Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Future Without Internet

If the internet stopped working, could it lead to an economic crisis?

Internet came as a globalization tool, its rapid overcrowding allow millions of people have easy and immediate access to an extensive and diverse amount of information online. In previous years the possibilities of obtaining internet service were limited, since only people from the upper social classes could access and pay for the use of this computer network, while low-income people found it difficult to pay for the service due to its high price at the time or in the worst case the individuals had no idea of the existence of this website. According to the globalization of the internet, more people were acquiring the benefit and at present any person who has an electronic device at their fingertips has access to the network.

Internet. It is a global phenomenon closely linked to communication but which greatly influences almost all areas of society. Little could their creators imagine that in 20 years it would be an invention as essential as the telephone to television. In principle, the main purpose of the internet was communication that would allow the human being a barrier-free communication that does not take into account space, borders, distances or societies. 

The history of humanity is full of advances and discoveries of new communication channels that have changed its future. The writing itself was undoubtedly one of the greatest because it was no longer necessary for the sender and receiver to be in the same place to communicate by eliminating time as a frontier to transmit knowledge.

The invention of computers and their dissemination gave rise to the next step, the creation of media that allowed the transfer of computer data taking advantage of all the existing advances, from this simple need, the Internet emerged, first from the need of young researchers who wanted to communicate their computers with each other but after, humanity's own need to share and communicate not only in the scientific or business field has revolutionized the internet. New possibilities have been opened with the use of messaging snapshot and social networks, chats, anyone who has something to say can do so and to whoever he wants. 

Another area in which it has caused great impact is in the educational side. The network allows that the mind is freed from having to retain a huge amount of information, it is only necessary to understand the concepts about the dynamics of the processes in which information is framed, this allows to use pedagogical methods with which the student can learn more and better in a year what required three.

In 1971 the first email was sent by Ray Tomlinson. Two years later the word “internet” was first used in a protocol control transmission marking the history of  humanity.
On August 23, 1991 when the World Wide Web (WWW) was first opened to the public, created and developed by British researcher Tim Berners-Lee.

It was a network in which the informatics had been working within the European Center for Particle Physics (CERN), used to connect to several computers in order to share information and data internally.
In 1994 yahoo appears and only one year later Microsoft launches Internet Explorer.

A very important year that marked the history of the Internet is 1998. In the first place Google is born (eventually it would end up being known as the search giant) and the number of Internet users reaches one million and increasing. In 2001 appears the largest collective encyclopedia “Wikipedia”. And so with the passage of time and the advancement of technology, different pages of information, social networks, communication, etc.

Taking into account the evolution of the internet and the importance that it has for our daily needs and the advancement of new technologies, it is not impossible or at least very difficult to imagine in a life without this network. what if we wake up to an unexpected internet breakdown?

As the network has grown, so has our dependence on it. The Internet is a robust system that does not depend on a single machine or a single cable, connections expand through all the streets below the oceans, above us and in outer space. Therefore, it would not be that easy to break down, a large part of it could fall due to natural disasters or maybe a war but the only way for the entire internet to sag from one second to another is to collapse, services such as text messages would not be available, also Pay TV and satellite lines would be out of operation, logically you could not connect to any social network, you would lose all contact with relatives or acquaintances who live far from your city and all this would be reduced to a communication through paper letters, the fast access to the information we have today would be lost, so libraries would be the only option.

Thousands of traffic accidents would begin to occur every second due to the poor administration of traffic lights, many means of transport would stop serving the public because their operation is strictly governed by smart computers managed thanks to the internet and how are predictable millions of citizens throughout the planet they would panic and take advantage to wreak havoc for the cities since communication between the government and the population would be prevented by the lack of both satellite and web connection. 

The attacks, the looting of the stores and the destruction of measures would begin and this would cause the police to be replaced by the military and severe measures would begin until every person would be asked to lock himself in his house and not to go out and having nothing to be informed about what is happening we would be living in a real apocalypse. A very important part of the web is made up of pornography and since there is no more, the commercialization of cassettes and CDs with highly punishable content will increase dramatically and in the worst case it can cause the violations.

The financial situation would plummet because the banks could not attend correctly since all their transaction systems would be disabled. No one could take money from the ATMs which would cause you to sooner or later run out of money which means you would not have access to food and without food nobody can live. Millions of companies would lose their way of promoting their products due to the lack of media. All companies operating only through the Internet would be harmed and therefore thousands of employees will be thrown out due to the lack of payments remaining on the street.

The economy with financial data generally stored on a server banking services largely depend on the internet each transfer would be impossible, your credit card and debit card will become a useless piece of plastic.

On top of that, large companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon would go out of business losing their combined revenue of almost four  hundred and forty billion dollars with Google itself having 80,000 full-time staff, hundreds of thousands of people would be left unemployed. Hundreds of companies withdrawing or cutting staff, the market would be flooded with people who need a job.

According to the US Census Bureau, in the US, the electronic commerce accounted for 35 percent of all shipments in the manufacturing industry in 2007. That equals more than $ 1.8 billion for that industry alone. When you extrapolate those numbers to all industries around the world, you will see that Internet commerce is big business. If the Internet collapsed, multiple industries would experience an instant recession.

Countries would suffer at different levels, the more developed nations would face serious economic crises as entire industrial sectors disappeared, they would fight to stay as long as possible but the devastating losses could not be avoided. Others, may not feel the lack of the Internet with the same intention, they may not be so affected, but these countries would also suffer as trade and aid would not reach them because of the partner countries they depend on.

Television companies that rely solely on the Internet as a means of advertising would be affected, industrialized countries would lose entire industries and face an economic crisis, what about countries with little Internet presence? They would be affected because international trade depends on the Internet.

So is the world transit? Without internet access between airports, airplanes, ships, trains and commercial trucks we'd go back to tracking goods on paper. This would increase the market value of transported products, since it would be more complicated to deliver products to stores. At least, you can still travel. Wonder if the Internet shutdown is even possible. The Internet is a global network of many other computer networks, it does not depend on a single machine, even if a part of it is disconnected, others will remain functional.

The internet has also been used for political media between countries, as used to gather information and spy on others. Intelligence agencies would suffer from this situation, and there is a risk that some governments may react to such a problem abruptly or in the worst case, these events could become a conflict.

In the event that world leaders can maintain order and resist the need to generate conflagrations, other problems will arise. Internet has become an important part of many educational programs. The loss of the Internet would leave a gap that other resources would have to fill. Resources cost money, something that would be scarce as markets around the world try to recover from astounding losses.

A total Internet collapse would be almost impossible, it has no on or off button, nor is it a physical thing. It is a collection of physical things and is constantly changing. Internet is not the same entity from one moment to another. For this scenario to be possible, it would have an asteroid or meteorite that would destroy practically most of the satellites in order to end the internet's infrastructure, and in the end it would end almost all life on the planet, in these types of situations nobody would even think to login on facebook.

To conclude, if internest collapsed, it could lead to an economic crisis that will gradually adapt to the new conditions. In the hypothetical case that no government or human being tried to re-enable this source of knowledge as wide as cyberspace is, with the passing of the days or even years later, everything would return to “normal”, accepting the new living conditions, it will take time and it will not be easy to cope with a new lifestyle in such a sudden way, but the human being, as usual, adapts to their environment, to the state of life that our ancestors carried and everything would be the same as hundreds of years ago.

“ The internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow”
-Bill Gates-

By: Heidi Rico and 
Maria Camila Pinzón, Step 10.