Thursday, October 24, 2019

Endangering Chemicals


A pesticide is a chemical that is used to disrupt the development of unwanted plants, also known as weeds, on land that has been or will be cultivated. Colombia has a very similar system and process for registering agrochemicals and pesticides, in some cases more stringent, compared to regulations of more developed nations.

Weeds are those that grow and develop in an inappropriate place. Most weeds have the same characteristics:
 -They are easily dispersed, they usually do it thanks to the wind, they crawl through the water and have great resistance due to their high seed production.

In Colombia, the pesticide industry begins with the formulation of products in 1962, based on imports of active ingredients from different countries of the world.  In 1964 the technology of the industry was extended towards the synthesis of some active ingredients, based on the use of raw materials of national or imported origin. National synthesis is formalized in 1985 with a herbicide and in 1995 with a fungicide (ICA 1995).

Given the high variety of pesticides offered and available, the producers were oriented towards the excessive and indiscriminate use of such products, having a visible impact on health due to acute and chronic poisoning, in addition to the environmental effects on the soil, water, air and  The Biodiversity.

Fortunately, in Colombia the sale of pesticides is not as high as in other countries such as China, the United States and Argentina respectively; however, it does not exclude it from being a highly commercial country, since its sale has reportedly increased in the last 15 years.  Among the problems that they generate we find those which affect the production of the crops, caused by the use of resources, such as space, light, water. They also affect the harvesting, hindering or slowing the crops' production.

In Colombia, marijuana was sprinkled with Gramoxone, whose ingredient is Parquat, in the Sierra Nevada and in Urabá in 1985-1987 and then the crops migrated to the USA.  UU. On the coca rains glyphosate from the days when the Berlin Wall fell (1989) and the Cold War is over and it is estimated that air sprays have affected 1,753,386  hectares.
Exposure of human beings to glyphosate can have chronic effects, such as birth defects, cancer, neurological (it is believed that it can cause Parkinson's disease), in addition to other acute effects caused by the exemplary use of the product by farmers, and also if there is a misuse of glyphosate or it is close to a population, it could cause the inhabitants to have an exposure to glyphosate. 

Congenital defects experienced by women in Argentina and
Paraguay may result from exposure to glyphosate used in crops of soy and rice, but international market analysis firms estimate that the global glyphosate business is about US $ 7,630 million and in four years it will reach US $ 9,910 million, which is very difficult to fight.

Adriana Butron, Heidi Rico, 
Giselle Rico, Step 10