Friday, September 13, 2019

On Surprising endings

Mr., I Steal Your Girl 

The County of Kent, located in South East England, a peaceful place, as soon as you step a foot in it, you are able to feel the 1400 years of history. People are kind, they know each other, it is a very safe place, but as the majority of places in our world, it is controlled with money. The headquarters? The Brixton Family, they were first established in Margate, but eventually the family expanded, they had a simple business, almonds, the best almonds found in the South of England, and they also exported to neighboring factories. James and Alissa Brixton had a boy named Timothe, he was ready to continue the family business and all his life was dedicated to it. 

One summer the Brixton Family was invited to Sevenoaks, and during all the holidays they socialized with the Atkinsons, which was an unusual thing, the two families had been rivals for several years, and it all started when Gabriel Atkinson fortune began to grow without boundaries, they were in a battle for power, and that summer they decided to end it with a simple solution, duplicating the power. They decided to arrange a wedding, between their children Timothe and Brynn. 

Although Brynn had a boyfriend, her parents convinced her that marrying Timothe was the best for the people living in the County of Kent, that it would benefit the economy and growth of the region and not the families. 

Three months passed, and everyone was standing at the Canterbury Cathedral, waiting for Brynn Atkinson to show with her imported Vietnamese dress, but she never did. Timothe and his parents were pissed, but Brynn’s parents didn’t had an explanation either, they had no idea were she was, her phone was missing, it rang, but they could not track it. 

Everyone had a theory, they believed she had run away with her boyfriend, her mother was so worried she immediately contacted the best private investigators around. George and Cassandra Bennet, they arrived the next day to the Atkinson Mansion, and recollected as much information as they could, they interviewed her fiancé Timothe, and her best friends.

 As weeks passed by, they were more and more convinced that she was in London, the two siblings decided to split for better results, George decided to look with a team in London, and Cassandra decided to stay and discover more hints about the case. Timothe was heartbroken, he usually wasn’t rejected by girls, and even though he was not interest in Brynn, he always thought she was a really beautiful girl, with a kind heart. He was ready to commit with her for his people. Everyone hoped she was ok, and with the Bennet siblings working everyday to find her, there was a relief in town, they were a successful duo, and they had uncovered every criminal and mystery in South England. 

Two months had passed and George arrived from London, The Brixtons and Atkinsons were dining, waiting for some news, he entered with his sister and his team.

 “She is not in London” he said. The whole house stayed in silence if she wasn’t in London, then she had to be in the county or in another country, then suddenly Brynn’s mother decided to pick her phone one more time, and tried to call her daughter, and they all listened to a phone rang, but nearer than they thought, in fact, in the same room. They all looked at their faces trying to find where the sound was coming from, and in less than a minute everyone was watching Cassandra’s bag. 

“That is so.. um weird” she said nervously laughing. She took
out the phone, and it was Brynns, everyone was shocked, George was angry, what did Cassandra have to do with Brynn Atkinson. “Did you kill…. “Oh, no, no, no, Mr Atkinson!, I did not kill your daughter, I helped her” Cassandra said. 

They were actually very close friends, and in the Bachelorette party, she expressed to Cassandra how she wasn’t ready to marry, she didn’t love Timothe, he was a great guy, but she just spoke 20 minutes with him about life, she wanted to be happy, and she had a plan. She would go to Wales, and stay there until her parents were calmed enough to accept her wish to wait for real love, but she needed someone that everyone would trust to cover her and that was the respected impeccable Miss Cassandra Bennet.

By Valeria Villera, Step 10