Thursday, June 13, 2019

Science Fiction Story

3111: Humanity's Future

It's the year 3111. Humanity now has evolved into something else... Something bigger than itself. 

It was on Mars colony where Deimos and his partners were working in the lab, investigating some human rests that were found on Earth, in what used to be North America. The remainings suggested that the family was desintegrated by an atomic bomb, around a thousand years ago, when Earth was still habitable. 

Deimos was utterly surprised when he realised that the bones still had radiation coming out of them. Although this wasn't a problem for him, since most Martians had been long ago modified to sustain huge amounts of radiation, there were still a handful of people that remained in a cryogenic state, with no genetic modifications whatsoever, with the hope of someday repopulate the Earth with untouched specimens of Homo Sapiens.

This was called Project Alpha, and it just started around that
time. Deimos knew how dangerous radiation was for untouched speciment and it was known to give early humans cancer, and he couldn't risk having the lasts humans dying of cancer in the last chance that humanity had to thrive again. 

The young scientist had to act, and fast. This was vital information, this was important. So he decided to call the secretary of defense of the Human race. 

All his attempts were completely ignored. Project Alpha had already started, and Deimos was told that it would be 'too expensive' to stop it. But really, what is 'too expensive'? Isn't risking the last chance of humanity surviving 'too expensive'? Deimos argued. 

He was a mere scientist, just working on sciency things. He had no power. No one would listen to him. Yet he tried, and he warned. 

Years passed by and Deimos was thrown in jail, for ''threatening superior officials''. Something that was, of course, not true. He had just attempted to warn about the still high levels of radiation on Earth, but since it would cost a lot of money to stop the project, they took his freedom away from him. 

So it came the day... The day when humans were supposedly gonna be reborn on Earth, like it was always intended to. 

But something happened. Deimos watched the live hologram of the spaceship arriving to Earth to set the humans free, and then, the worst happened.

The poor specimens started to get skinburn, their hair started
falling, their muscles melted. The radiation was way underestimated. Exactly everything Deimos said was gonna happen, happened. 

And like that, humanity's egoism made them kill their own hope, and themselves.

By Natalia Baute, Step 11.