Thursday, May 16, 2019

Thanks Moms

Mother's Day is a very special date, which should be every day because, as for them, the day of the child is every day because they take care of us every day, they may kill themselves working hard for us, killing for making us live better, by making us better people, for making us feel better, basically for all. 

Those little people: so beautiful, so divine, so dear,  those little people that brought us to life, that made us the people that we are, that love us, that would give even their lives for us, they deserve this world, this life and the other, for this as well as for them every day is the day of the child, for us every day should be the mother's day. 

Moms are the most special beings we have, one of the most important beings; there are people who do not know what a mother's love is because they could have lost it when they were younger, but still, they know their moms love them all, that they would have given everything for them, and still care for them, protect them from up there. 

On this special day, this commemorative day, this day in
which the love of a mother is celebrated, in which is celebrated what a mother is, celebrated everything that a mother sacrifices for having a son, sacrifices her own life,  not being able to sleep enough in several months, sacrificed until not being able to eat just to nourish her child to have it healthy. 

On this day I thank all the mothers of this world, all the mothers who even play a role of dad since he could have died when the child was small, or he could have simply go away not to be part of his son's life, so thanks to those mothers who decided to have their children, who know the value of having a child, who know the importance of him / her and who simply wanted to bring another life  to the world, to have a companion forever and always having someone who will love and complement her unconditionally, without any added value, I give thanks for those little people  that make us feel better when we need them, that are always there for us when nobody else is, when we cry they are able to cheer us up, we call them best friend heroes; to the world you're a mom, but to your family you're the world. 

Thank you for all those mothers who decided to have their children, who decided to sacrifice their lives, decided that even though it was risky to have the child, did not care about anything, they did not mind dying in the attempt while they could bring a new life to the world, a being that would love them without no end, and thanks to all those mothers who decided not to abort. 

Thank you, thank you, and 1000 thank you for all those mothers who exist around the world in each piece of land, each place, in each continent, in each country, in each city and thank you mothers for everything you give to your children, for everything you do for them, just so that they live in a better way than you do.,
You deserve this world, this life and the other. 


By Keily Valdivieso, Step 8.