Thursday, May 9, 2019

On Moms' Day

Mothers' Day

Before I begin, I would like to give a hoorey to my mother because she always cares about me and
has helped me on my way to where I am today. You are the best and I love you 3000!
Mothers, the ones that were capable of holding babies in their wombs for 9 entire months full of dedication, health care not only for themselves, but also for their babies, with passion, and of course, with love.

These brave women are a great example of the things parents do for the safety of their
descendants and for the future of the bloodline. They do everything to save their babies in their development, whatever the cost is.

Moms must resist the immense pain during
labor in order to give a starting point to the baby’s life, while knowing that the probabilities of dying are over the skies and being able to live in this situation is an opportunity that these brave women must not let pass by.

 This is a gift; this is something that makes these women feel proud of themselves and happy to pull off and now, they have to wait and teach the now born baby the way sof this beautiful thing called ‘Life’.

After this, this baby has become a child full of curiosity for the world and these mothers will give all the knowledge that the children need in order to advance in life: basic math, language, critical thinking, history, science, there are so many things that children need to know and are learning right now in this place called ‘school’.

Now, that child has grown, is now full of knowledge, has made friends along the way, has gotten many good things and some bad things but, that’s just how life works, things come and go, others stay forever and, now that the grown child is seeing how his mother is aging, he is starting to realize about the sad reality in this world.

But now, as we, those same children that have grown up and have more and more knowledge of the world every day, we are happy for being alongside our mothers and we don’t want to lose them.

YOU were always there when I needed you; YOU were always there when I was happy, sad, angry, or scared. This is a celebration not only for my mom, but also dedicated, from the bottom of my heart, to all of you,  for the great things you have done in order to guide us in the pathway of life and now, we will do our best to make you feel proud and happier than ever.

Happy Mother’s Day!

By Angelo Martínez, Step 8.