Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Truth Is Bold

The Truth Is Bold

Every time you feel about to cry for this planet,
Every single moment you think of it,
Is whenever you feel like  if
a knot in your throat
is threatening to kill you indeed.

There are other times,
when a sudden fear crosses your spine,
with a chilly invasion
of queer memories in mind
watched on TV news' version 
of any new devastation,
just occurred last night

This is a reminder
Of your agonizing fingerprints,
There won't be any blinder
to hide those imprints

You are living on Earth,
If you start caring, you ponder
Unawareness is a terrible dearth
Is there any other planet where to maunder?

Many are sure there is not,
Despite everything is being told,
Still, some persist is just a plot,
They don't want to accept the truth is bold.

We are losing our home,
The green is almost gone,
Many have recycled and reused,
However, we're in danger to be reduced.

By Miss Odilia Pérez
Eco-Quality Of Life Project