Saturday, March 2, 2019

Rethinking Our Future, EF Chgallenge

Rethinking Our Future, EF Chgallenge

Good morning, I am María José Durán, a student in eighth grade at American School, and today I’m going to talk about what I think of Colombia’s future and what I expect of the world’s future.

Thinking of the future and on how the technology is advancing, Colombia is a country that is left behind as a society, the Colombian people are thinking only in video games, friends, and there are many more important things like growing up as professionals.
Colombia is a country full of violence and corruption, every day an innocent is injured by this society, we, the new generations, have the opportunity to make a change. This is a society that wants it all easy, and that’s the reason why many people look for selling an illegal business. This society needs to stop, this way we’ll look for fulfilling the law and why not? Making from Colombia a country of the First World, nothing is impossible! Colombia, as a country that needs more love, peace, science, more development of the culture and technology; moreover, less violence and corruption.
Today, the word is full of troubles, there are many people starving and many countries throw
away food, I dream that one day there are no borders and the mankind can live in peace, in those times guns are not going to exist to kill other human beings. We, the young people, the new generation has the opportunity to change this country, and find a better future for all the people.
This is a society that is only compared with others and copies others and does not either evolve nor creates new things. We need to change, we need to think in the future that we want for us and for our children. This world wouldn’t think in the war let’s leave the discussions back and think in a world surrounded by respect, love, happiness, and peace.

WE CAN MAKE a NEW society of evolution, but giving a good use to technology. A world that cares for the people, animals, and plants, we have to think on the consequences of actions against the animals, against nature if you throw trash to the rivers or oceans and cut trees down. Think before acting little things like fallow the law, can make a better Colombia and not only a better Colombia a better WORD…And remember, violence is not a solution, we can solve every difference just talking.
 Thanks for listening to my opinion, we can start today to make a better world, beginning in schools, then in cities, next step has to be taken in our great country Colombia, to finally spread the message of reconciliation in the world.
By María José Durán, Step 8.