Thursday, March 14, 2019

Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp Fall

Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp Fall

Last Wednesday, Facebook one of the major social media apps in the world, suffered from one of the worst service drop of its history. This event affected also the other apps led by this platfrom like Whatsapp, Instagram, and Messenger, planfroms in charge of sharing pictures and messaging.

The functions of Mark Zuckerberg's company platforms stopped working properly in various parts of Europe Asia and America.

It is estimated that the problems started around 16:00 GMT on Wednesday and lasted for at least 14 hours. During this time, only certain people could use a couple of services from the apps, while some simply didn't work.

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Users quickly ran to other platforms like Twitter to either express their concern or to make a laugh out of the situation. Memes were created all around the world, giving some sort of enjoyment to people in the meantime.

According to a map prepared by DownDetector, the flaws affected users from countries such as the United States, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, the United Kingdom and Spain.

The last time Facebook had a fall of this magnitude was in 2008, when the site had 150 million users, compared to the 2.3 billion users it has now.
And you, were you affected by the damage?

By María Camila Montes, Step 9