Saturday, March 2, 2019



What are your hopes of the future of our society?

Good afternoon. Let me introduce myself, my name is Antonella Cantillo, I’m a 13 year old student at American School, I’m in eighth grade and today I’d like to present my opinion of our society and its future.

We live in a world that day by day is improving intellectually and technologically, we think we can do whatever we want, but our society is always judging us, our society has “a wall” that doesn’t allow us to improve a lot more, maybe we think that by dying our hair or cutting it we will be free, but our society instead of accepting us, is letting us away, but is not always our hair, skin color, eye color, impairment, etc. we think that racism is the basis of the problem, but contamination is also a huge problem that our society has.

 Contamination is the very worst problem that we have “is like a fight” 50% tries not to contaminate and teaches others or try to “reverse all” but it seems like the other 50% doesn’t either want to learn nor save our planet, it seems that we are more focused on improving our knowledge, that we don’t see what is happening outside. Plants are dying, maybe we think they are not alive but they are, and if they die we’ll die too, they are our source of life, so basically we are killing ourselves.

Seems like our society is more focused in judging that we don’t realize what is happening outside; robbers, racism, kidnappers, assassins, contamination, etc. Future is in our hands, we need to hold our hands, no matter from where you are and work together to help our planet, to save it.

I hope in our future there will be no racism, I hope in our future there will
be no more assassins and kidnappers, I hope a better world in our future as a society and environmentally talking as well, I hope I could see everyone working together as a united nation no matter what.

Thank you for listening to my speech. I hope we could make a better world.

By Antonella Cantillo Cure, Step 8.