Thursday, March 14, 2019

A Sad Love Story

A Sad Love Story

- But why can't you love me, Matthew?
- I have to go! It's important for my future.
- You don't have to! You want to!
- May I ask you a question?
- Why don't you just let me go? Should not you rest? Aren't you tired of this fake love?
- I will wait... For you...
- You mustn't wait for me!  I don't love you!
- But I do! I can't let you go!
- I have to! Goodbye...Mary...
- No!
- Bye...

The end.

And there is again, a dramatic end... Why can't love stories end with a 100 kids and a happy end? Love is all the way! Love stories mustn't end like that...
I must go to the hospital, to see my boyfriend... 2 years have passed... I can't be late...
I see happy couples in the streets, hugging and kissing each other. I wish my couple were by my side...

I enter room 159...and there is my love... Esteban...
Hi, My love! I have to tell you a lot of stuff... Remember our friends from elementary school? They're getting married! I will always wait for you... I also have the rings ready... will you marry me? Every day I will ask you the same question until you wake up...
He opened his eyes, he woke up! 2 years in a coma...I started to cry and he said:

" Thank you for being here and for telling me all those fantastic stories, my love... Yes! I will marry you...

By Manuela Orozco, Step 8