Friday, February 15, 2019

The Factory

The Factory

Nothing out of normal happened during year 2017, but we got to know the story of girl named Emily who was from Colorado who lived on a farm among her parents Chelsea and Roderick. They were members of a very well-known family in Colorado and were very respected by the people.

At any store of a public place, Roderick and his family
stepped into and they were greeted and treated very nicely. Their routine had nothing out of normal: at 6: 40 am they would wake up to get ready, in order for Emily to be at school on time, since classes started at 7: 30 am. Emily didn’t live too far away from school, she attended the town’s public school for her classes and then at 3: 30 pm her father would wait for her in order to take her back home.

Once at home, Emily would start to do her chores. She liked flowers and nature a lot, so she enjoyed helping her parents on the farm or with the gardening, which was her mother’s favorite thing to do. She had grown seeing that was in love with beauty of nature, so she was very involved in that aspect; moreover, her favorite subject at school was science and that engaged her a lot more.

One day, some investors were observing and checking the enormous lot from the family’s property and were expecting to build a factory in that terrain. They thought it was the perfect place to do it because it was far enough from town, but they would sell the products in town stores, and it was a very wide space, so the properties would be far away from each other.

Months passed and the factory started to work, so everything looked right, nothing changed much, in the moment. But as time passed, the air became lot heavier, and suddenly Emily started suffering from allergies, she had never had health problems before, but doctors said it was a consequence of so much exposure to the farming environment. This really bothered her and made her realize how silently the new neighbor had started to damage their lives.

Little by little, the changes started showing the deterioration: the harvest started to be smaller, animals began to have problems too, and some even died after a couple of months. Emily’s family  got aware about  this and they took some measures into their own hands, so they used the power they had in town to take down the factory.

After a long time in courts and lots of trouble, they won the case, proving how harmful this and other factories are, so finally everything went back to normal.

 I took this story as an example of how we had damaged the environment and ourselves and somehow we all contribute to the global warming that is affecting us every day. We don’t pay attention to the problem until we see the repercussions in our daily life, affecting us in ways that continue to harm either someone else’s or especially our own health. 

This story would have been different if from the start the factory wouldn’t have been allowed to open in there, but the damaged was done anyways, so at least we can try to amend it. Why don’t we think like that for all the damage our beloved planet has suffered from and still we continue contributing to it “silently, but still we notice its destruction...”

By María Camila Montes, Step 9