Friday, February 15, 2019

The Abomination

The Abomination

This event took place in Louisiana during 2011, when its
citizens were horrified because an abomination was threatening their lives and was damaging everything they had accomplished by a mortal disease.  This threat was due to a scientist that failed in his protection and made the biggest mistake of his life by bringing to life one of his inventions, but something went terribly wrong. You probably are asking, why? Well, listen and you will know.

That scientist's name was Lokarik Anderson, who was born in the 1967, was raised in a very large family, and since a  very young age showed to like animals and how he could test with them, since he lived on a farm, he would always take dead birds or dead rabbits and “play the doctor with them”.
Sometimes, even he played with their body parts and exchanged them with other animals, he sew them with his mother’s threads. So, now you could see where this is coming from.

His family would let this happen until one day they had an issue with one of the animals, a baby cow had an accident and a veterinarian treated its injury, so the cow needed to rest, but little Lokarik thought it would be time to finally play with a living animal, so he sneaked into the corrals at night and started to cut the little cowʼs injury open, the blood started to come out nonstopable,then Lokarik obviously didnʼt know what to do or how to act in that situation. He got afraid and started shouting, until papa Anderson heard and hurried to the corrals to find Lokarik covered in blood and the baby cow dead, the only words Lokarik said were “sorry, dad I was playing with cow, cow” this terrified his dad and since then Lokarik was treated by a psychiatrist and this event traumatized him forever, not because of the horror but because he promised himself no matter what, he was going to succeed one day. 

So, this just shows a part of little Lokarikʼs madness, since in 2003 he tried doing the same, but succeeded.  Well, it worked, in the worst way possible, though. He tried putting different animals and different animal parts like wings, big feet and those sort of things, to a bunny but the craziest part was that he did this at a very little bunny and raised him until the massacres happened in 2011. 
As the bunny grew bigger, his wings, big feet and other parts did too, until he was a huge animal named Lokarik, and was purposefully created by Lokarik, because he wanted to prove that he could achieve his goal. 

The massacre happened because, Lokarik made a mistake in the formula of the animal, and that made him developed a disease that spread really quickly in the city and  killed all the animals, even humans, because the animal spread a smell that as anyone would inhale, it could damage them from the inside out, but it could do anything to himself, and like this the poor life of innocents was the cost. 
Today Lokarik is in a penitentiary of maximum security and the government took the animal and gave no explanation, to this day, no one knows how they disappeared the disease and the animal and some say the animal is still alive and the government is testing it to foresee if in the future, it could commit a massacre that might kill the whole population of the United States, but those are only speculations.

By María Camila Montes, Step 9