Saturday, February 9, 2019

Why Is Important to Have Both Respect and Responsibility in Life?

Why Is Important to Have Both Respect and Responsibility in Life?

I will first try to define what respect and responsibility do mean to me. Respect is a duty-bound to give to others, who are those you are committed to respect? How should we manifest our respect for them? It seems unlikely that we should respect everybody equally, but this is exactly what we are meant to do. It is a worth having value.

Now, I would like to give responsibility an easy meaning, but a duty seems hard to accomplish, so the performance of our tasks, either assigned by others or by ourselves is what leads us into being proud of what we do, the way we do it, and or how we do it; in other words, is a matter of self respect.

In this order of ideas, a denial of respect is associated with actions of oppression, exploitation, violence, or plain rudeness, so it also seems that at a certain level, it depends on the way you treat others and vice versa.

Just to go on, I will give an example to you for having it clear enough to be understood: Today we had an assignment to be done for language arts with Miss Odilia, but 9 students forgot it, so they were irresponsible, as a result, they were given a 500 word essay to be written on the topics that I have been talking about so far, because respect and Responsibility are the very foundations for leading a society an forming good leaders, since we accept the knowledge and wisdom of those we respect, so without them, no society can be moving forward.

Irresponsibility can be dangerous for any society because
there are jobs that demand from us lots of personal responsibility, just to say, when a student doesn't finish an essay in the given time because he didn't manage it right, so if the teacher calls him irresponsible, on the basis that was seen purposely wasting time, a sanction would be ok. But in this instance there is no damage to others; but in the case of a nuclear plant worker, an irresponsible action, like pushing a wrong key, can lead into an explosion, so that, irresponsibility brings terrible consequences sometimes.
Despite everything said, there are people who say they are not responsible because it isn't in their nature; however, I think that isn't true because everyone can be responsible, as long as they want to; though, the other extreme takes people to not enjoying their lives because they are too much responsible, very serious and tensed. Keeping a right balance is advisable.

By Abel Naranjo, Step 8