Saturday, February 9, 2019

Respect, Responsibility, and Our Lives

Respect, Responsibility, and Our Lives

Respect is for me the most important value and the basis of the
other ones, including responsibility, as when you do all your tasks and deliver them on time, which tells about how respectful you are, but why are they so important for you to be successful?

In general, all values are important, but for being successful these two are essential. Not only at the moment of having a job, but also in the moment of having a family or even friends. 

In the case of respect if you don’t accept or discriminate others the way they are, you can’t be on the top of a company or someone to be looked up to, trusted or even loved. 

On the other side, responsibility is not something to leave behind, since you have to deliver everything on time, as when you go to a family meeting. 

Also, if you want to be respected, you have to give respect to others too. In my opinion, you have to be a role model for others, and for you to be one, you need to have these two values at least. Sometimes, because of laziness, we forget or simply we don’t want to be responsible; however, in real life, responsibility is necessary for being a successful person or to even feel good with yourself. 

On respecting,  we as humans , are not used or don’t like things that
are different, even if you believe it or not, that is an excuse for some people to be disrespectful. In my opinion, that is dumb actually, I think that if the person is not harming you in any way, you should not be disrespectful because in your life (Or in any situation) you would find people of every ethnicity, sex, age, race, etc; for instance, if you want to be successful you have to accept and tolerate everyone for feeling well and being on the top.
Successfulness is not something that needs hard work, but is no so easy to achieve, though with these two values everything is possible.

By Nashla Puerta, Step 8