Saturday, February 9, 2019

Respect and Responsibility As Core Values.

Respect and Responsibility as Core Values.

Before anything, we need to define what respect and
responsibility are, so respect is a value that consists of treating others as you want them to treat you.
Respect is one of the most important values of all, every value is based on respect, and it can be applied to almost every situation, it is one of the most crucial things in our society, at the very least, it should be the core of every single human being, but not everyone adknowledges this, there are a lot of people who don’t respect others.

Responsibility is another story, its the value of completing and delivering tasks, it also has another meaning, to take care of something, it means to be someone who can make the right choice, it should also be one of the core values of anything really, but, some people (Like me unfortunately) can’t just make the right choice and be responsible all the time. 
Some people can’t do it because they get easily distracted, or simply just don’t have the time to do it, you can also be responsible for doing bad things, but that's the wrong side. So, with that out of the way, we can now go into some examples. 

A way to be respectful is to always keep yourself at a reasonable space, that is called personal space. A form of responsibility is when your parents have a wedding, or go to a movie, concert, etc. You end up being responsible for the house, and every single thing inside of it, and in some cases your evil little sister.  Another kind of respect is the one you have for things and a different kind of responsibility is the one for tasks you need to get on time.

After talking about these values, why don’t we talk about the opposite, their anti-values which are disrespect and irresponsibility, these are their opposite and consist of being their counterparts, disrespect is being someone who’s rude to his comrades, does not  treat them well, rather treats them like trash. 

On the other hand, being irresponsible is acting as a person that doesn’t deliver his assignments, these values (or anti values) are things everyone has displayed at least once in their lives, even though they shouldn’t, and a few examples are: Not being nice to your comrades,  not turning your homework on time, being late for school, not taking care of your evil sister, hitting your classmates, beating your classmates, not paying attention, lashing out at your classmates, disrespecting your parents, and there are sooo many ways you can do this that it is simply a matter of self reflection to see which way you are and take the necessary corrections. 

By Gabriel Guerra, Step 8.