Saturday, February 9, 2019

Pregnancy At An Early Age In Colombia

Pregnancy At An Early Age In Colombia

In this country, one of every five teens between 15 and 19 years old has been pregnant, ofrom this amount 16% are already mothers and 4% are expecting their first child.

The departments with the highest percentages of teenage pregnancy are: Amazonas, Putumayo, Vichada, La Guajira, Chocó, Nariño, Cesar, and Cauca.

In Latin America and the Caribbean region, four out of every five

pregnancies of teenage young mothers'  between the ages of 15 and 19 are not planned; that is, only one had been consciously searching for a baby.

In our opinion, a pregnancy at an early age isn’t good because the teenagers are not prepared, neither physically nor psychologically,  it is also a risky pregnancy. 

The disappointment of their parents is unimaginable, they think the worst about their daughters, also they will support them, but they will be so sad about it. Some of them need to stop attending classes and also change totally their goals because now they can’t only think on their schools' responsibilities, now they need to get new ones like keeping the baby safe, taking care of him or her, buying necessary things for the baby, like diapers, clothing, bibs, blankets, baby monitors, etc. and in many cases they do not count on their couples, since thay are also teenagers who do not have any job.

We want to raise awareness, that a baby is not a doll is a person like each one of us and we cannot think that having a baby is a game, because is not like that, a baby is a big responsibility. 
People need to understand that to be a teen means to enjoy, play, going to school or with friends, or attending university to get prepared for the responsibilities the future brings, it is not a time not to change diapers or giving milk at the middle of the night.
As teens we are not prepared enough to keep the responsibility of taking care of another life other than ours.

By Nathalie Salas
& Sofia Ranauro
Step 8