Saturday, February 2, 2019

Respect And Responsibility For A Successful Life

Respect And Responsibility For A Successful Life

I will talk in this essay about the importance of respect,   responsibility, and three main points that will help us achieve them, since the very last is the value of making all the tasks and deliver them on time, which alone with respect, if practiced, you can be successful in life.

The first aspect refers to the three steps we must take to be responsible, as to say: Honestly confess your wrongdoings, the second refers to the fact we are the architects of our own destiny, so we must take responsibility over our actions, it refers to the ability to recognize and accept the consequences of a fact that has been carried out freely by us and that every action we take has a consequence and depend on ourselves because we are the ones who decide, and the third one talks about the paths to achieve responsibility, that implies changing our weak attitudes, thing that is really difficult.

But, why do we have to be responsible?

We have to be responsible in order to be successful in our lives, since it helps us to understand our peers and to know everyone’s ability to accomplish tasks, so we have to be responsible to advance in reaching for our goals.

Having said that, why do we have to be respectful?
We have to be respectful because if we don't, we won't succeed in life; for example, if we are disrespectful to our moms or to our dads, they will be sad and sometimes they may be disrespectful to us too, because of how we have mistreated them before, but if we are respectful with them, like for instance, if we get scolded by them and we don't answer to them in a bad way, they will not be disrespectful to us either; they will be respectful instead because, in conclusion,  this is the basis for responsible and harmonious relationships.

 By Keily Valdivieso, Step 8.