First of all, happy new year! New year, new life, new chances, and opportunities for getting healthier and in a good body shape, so here you are with somes tips that are really helpful:
1. Drink 8 glasses of water a day, did you know that the adult human body is made up of 55 to 60% water? Water keeps your digestive system flowing and helps your kidneys eliminate toxins. People who drink 8 cups of water every day are less susceptible to disease, including several forms of cancer. Drinking water also helps you lose weight by curbing your appetite.

Water is especially important for athletes to keep their muscles hydrated and lean, so they can achieve peak performance. You can prevent muscle fatigue by staying adequately hydrated. That’s why you will often see top athletes drinking water at major sporting events.
Your skin needs water in order to protect it from exposure to dry environments, so that you can look your best. Please, see the infographic beside for more information about the benefits of drinking enough water every day.
2. Eat your veggies & fruits, but remember to clean them very well by washing them under running tap water, rub firmly and use a brash to scrub well while rinsing them.
Remember that raw fruits and veggies keep their nutrients and antioxidants as well.
In the infographic provided here, you can see the benfits of these produce, according to their color. (Taken from Natural Healthy Concepts and adapted to suit our readers).
3. Finally, working out helps to keep a healthier body and a longer life expectancy, but you need to set realistic goals for you not to overexercise and being injured. In the last infographic, you can read some tips for you to stay motivated, in fit, and dynamically handling your routines, without forgetting that these are meant to be enjoyed, so you can go outdoor with friends to hang out too, floss your teeth at least after each main meal, and eat a healthy and balance diet that fits your age, height, weight, physiological needs, and daily activities.
By Suasana Rengifo, Step 9.