Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Deaf Cat, Fable

The Deaf Cat

Once upon a time, there was a land of cats called Catland, in which there was a school where the students always bothered the same cat, so they were their bullies, and poor Mateo was really upset. 

All cats at school said that Mateo was different, only because he was deaf, but he had a best friend named "Manuel", who always defended him, as soon as others attacked him, since he couldn't hear.

One day  Manuel went to his father, who was Catland's
mayor, to tell him the story of Mateo. That day, Manuel begged his father to have a week of silence, in which it was mandatory for the students to use headphones during a week, so that they couldn't be able to listen to anything nor talk either. Their only way to get their ideas accross would be by writing.

All those students who used to be making fun of Mateo, now could understand how he felt and then started to treat him well, so they began to also play with him.

Don't misjudge before you know the situation and step on somebody's else's shoes.

by Ana Sofía Durán