The Indiana Rabbit in the Adventure of the Glass Carrot: Mini Short Stories
by Susana Rengifo
Indiana's Gang vs the Global Warming Villains
P a r t 1
The rain started to fall down, every inhabitant of the little city was very excited because they were going to play under the rain, but the moment the water rain touched their skin, it hurt, burned and no one understood what was happening. In the sky, behind a big and dark cloud, a big and deep laugh was heard.
Next day it was really hot, the animals weren't used to that climate, and some of them even passed out because of that high temperature, it was really strange that weather, and suddenly a blow of wind cold blew everything away, so animals, which at the beginning were almost dying due to dehydration, right after almost died because of hypothermia, and again, high in the sky, a sharp and shrill laugh was heard.
The inhabitants were really confused, but worried about the situation, so they decided to call the most respected and brave rabbit of them all, Indiana, hoping that he and his gang could help the city.
“Guys: there is a problem, back in the city, they need our help” Indiana informed to the group, “Indiana, I think I know who the responsibles are, maybe they have come back, and stronger than the last time, when you defeated them” Indiana’s girlfriend, Selena, said, “I think that too, we have to go there, but we can leave the village alone, so King and Meli, you both please stay here and protect the village “ King and Meli were willing to help the village “and now the rest of us, let’s go to the city” Indiana said and suddenly everyone was packing their important stuff.
Alana took a piece of cake, something that she can't live without, by the way, a bottle of
water and an umbrella, she thought that might be useful. Mauro, the racoon, took with him some water, one black hat, and a box of cookies. Selena liked to travel lightly, so she just put her sunglasses and Indiana put on his iconic hat and took his backpack where he had some stuff, like: a bottle of water, the crystal carrot, some fruits and coffee for the trip.
When they arrived to the city, everything was upside down, the weather was like bipolar, there was a little rain but wasn't normal, because it hurt and also a horrible smell was in the air, there was garbage everywhere and the ground was really dirty, and all of the dirty came from one place, or better from one big monster. “The global warming villains” Indiana thought.
“Ok guys, this is what we are going to do, last time we needed from mother earth to wake from her heavy dream, and this time we need her again, but first we need to take care of this. Selena and Alana go and distract Pollution, while Mauro goes to put the animals in safety, I will destroy Pollution” And everyone ran to make what Indiana said “Selena be careful!” he shouted once she was distracting Pollution.
Selena jumped to the knee of Pollution, while Alana took a rope and put his feet together, so he fell down, this way Pollution stopped making a mess everywhere with the trash, and it worked. It was time for Indiana to do his part, he took the Crystal Carrot and pointed to the ground under Pollution, that opened and swallowed Pollution, Selena jumped to Indiana's arm and Alana to the opposite side, so that they wouldn't go to the stomach of mother earth with Pollution.
The earth shook, mother Earth had awoken, “Indiana, I come with bad news, Pollution left me really weak, I cant keep eating those monsters, they are damaging me, you have to deal with them other ways, please hurry, they are killing me, they and the ones who create them” and she went back to sleep.
With Selena in his arms and Alana by his side, Indiana was clueless, he knew it was difficult to get rid of those monsters
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