Thursday, June 13, 2019

The Indiana Rabbit in the adventure of the Glass Carrot: Mini Stories

The Gang of the Future

It was a normal day of summer, Alana and Meli were having a fun time in the beach waiting for the rest of the gang to arrive and celebrate the first day of summer. “I'm so excited! I love the beach sooo much becau...” Pandora was saying when she was interrupted by a loud and weird sound “ZAPZ ” suddenly the sea startede creating huge waves and got really dark and cold and in a snap a white gorilla came out of the water.

“Whats is going on?” “What was that weird sound?” “What happened to the sea?” “Who the F... is he?” everyone of the gang was asking and the weirdest of his is that after the gorilla appeared from the sea everything went back to normal. Indiana took the lead and approached the gorilla and asked “What just happened?” the gorilla stood up from the sand and with a really deep voice “That was the result of the experiments I have been carrying out... Time Traveling”

The whole pack and the gorilla went to Indiana and Selena's house and start interrogating the gorilla “who are you?” “explain what you just said” “from what time are you?” “so it's true that time traveling can be possible?”

“My name is Zack and I'm from the year 3000 and yes cars can fly. What you just see was
the final phase of the experiment that I was carrying out. The thing is that our future isn't the brightest of all, you might imagine cars flying and people being robots and global peace and everything is fine and fun. But that is not the reality, the future is a war that has to be stopped because almost everyone's physical health is compromised and I just couldn't sit and wait for everyone be dead, so I remembered that once my grandma told me that in her years of youth there was this gang that saved the world once, and always faced problems and that they were able to deal with them. Indiana, when you spoke to be there on the beach, I realized my experiment went really well because I am now in the time that I need to. Indiana, you and your gang are the only ones capable of stopping this horrible future to become truth”

Indiana didn't believe what he was hearing about, the fact that the authorities decided to stop carrying out the citizens of the world and what they need now to save the future was an adventure that he would never even imagine that he was going to experience, but he was excited and ready with all his gang to stop this future to continue like that. Zack, the gorilla, took them to the beach again and they all went deep into the sea, and in a blink Zach turned around the watch he had in his hand and suddenly they were all in a different place, where the grass was brown, the air smelled like smoke, the water tasted and looked like oil, dark cars were flying and everyone looked sick.
“The air is damaging the lungs of the people, authorities don't care about anything because they now live in the space with the rich families, we need help Indiana, please”

“We are going to help, doesn't matter if it's the last adventure of the gang. Gang assemble! Lets go!”

T O   B E C O N T I N U E D

By Susana Rengifo, Step 9.